- Hydrogen escaping from a pair of exoplanets smaller than Neptune
- Loyd, R. O. P.; Schreyer, E.; Owen, J. E.; Rogers, J. G.; Broome, M. I.; Shkolnik, E. L.; Murray-Clay, R.; Wilson, D. J.; Peacock, S.; Teske, J.; Schlichting, H. E.; Duvvuri, N. G.; Youngblood, A.; Schneider, P. C.; France, K.; Giacalone S.; Batalha, N. E.; Schneider, A. C.; Longo, I.; Barman, T.; Ardila, D. R.
- 2025 Nature 638 636
- Carving the Edges of the Rocky Planet Population
- Lee, E. J.; Owen, J. E.
- 2025 ApJL accp. arXiv:2501.17241
- A Disintegrating Rocky World Shrouded in Dust and Gas: Mid-IR Observations of K2-22b using JWST
- Tusay, N.; Wright, J. T.; Beatty, T. G.; Desch, S.; Colón, K.; Mittal, T.; Osborn, H. P.; Campos Estrada, B.; Owen, J. E. Libby-Roberts, J.; Gupta, A. F.; Foley, B.; Meier Valdés, E.; Stevens, D. J.; Herbst, A.
- 2025 ApJL submm. arXiv:2501.08301
- Evolution of steam worlds: energetic aspects
- Aguichine, A.; Batalha, N.; Fortney, J. J.; Nettelmann, N.; Owen, J. E. Kempton, E. M. R.
- 2025 ApJ submm. arXiv:2412.17945
- Using the helium triplet as a tracer of the physics of giant planet outflows
- Schulik, M.; Owen, J. E.
- 2025 MNRAS submm. arXiv:2412.05258
- BOWIE-ALIGN: JWST reveals hints of planetesimal accretion and complex sulphur chemistry in the atmosphere of the misaligned hot Jupiter WASP-15b
- Kirk, J.; Ahrer, E.-M.; Claringbold, A. B.; Zamyatina, M.; Fisher, C.; McCormack, M.; Panwar, V.; Powell, D.; Taylor, J.; Thorngren, D. P.; Christie, D. A.; Esparza-Borges, E.; Tsai, S.-M.; Alderson, L.; Booth, R. A.; Fairman, C.; López-Morales, M.; Mayne, N. J.; Meech, A.; Molliere, P.; Owen, J. E.; Penzlin, A. B. T.; Sergeev, D. E.; Valentine, D.; Wakeford, H. R.; Wheatley, P. J.
- 2025 MNRAS submm. arXiv:2410.08116
- Understanding what helium absorption tells us about atmospheric escape from exoplanets
- Ballabio, G.; Owen, J. E.
- 2025 MNRAS accp. arXiv:2501.06149
- The Role of Thermal Feedback in the Growth of Planetary Cores by Pebble Accretion in Dust Traps
- Cummins, D. P.; Owen, J. E.
- 2025 MNRAS accp. arXiv:2409.05951
- Blowin' in the non-isothermal wind: core-powered mass loss with hydrodynamic radiative transfer
- Misener, W.; Schulik, M.; Schlichting, H. E.; Owen, J. E.
- 2025 ApJ accp. arXiv:2405.15221
- The effect of radiation pressure on the dispersal of photoevaporating discs
- Robinson, A.; Owen, J. E.; Booth, R. A.
- 2025 MNRAS 536 1689
- A possible misaligned orbit for the young planet AU Mic c
- Yu, H.; Garai, Z.; Cretignier, M.; Szabó, Gy. M.; Aigrain, S.; Gandolfi, D.; Bryant, E. M.; Correia, A. C. M.; Klein, B.; Brandeker, A.; Owen, J. E.; Günther, M. N.; Winn, J. N.; Heitzmann, A.; Cegla, H. M.; Wilson, T. G.; Gill, S.; Kriskovics, L.; Barragán, O.; Boldog, A.; Nielsen, L. D.; Billot, N.; Lafarga, M.; Meech, A.; Alibert, Y.; Alonso, R.; Bárczy, T.; Barrado, D.; Barros, S. C. C.; Baumjohann, W.; Bayliss, D.; Benz, W.; Bergomi, M.; Borsato, L.; Broeg, C.; Collier Cameron, A.; Csizmadia, Sz.; Cubillos, P. E.; Davies, M. B.; Deleuil, M.; Deline, A.; Demangeon, O. D. S.; Demory, B. O.; Derekas, A. ; Doyle, L. ; Edwards, B.; Egger, J. A.; Ehrenreich, D.; Erikson, A.; Fortier, A.; Fossati, L.; Fridlund, M.; Gazeas, K.; Gillon, M.; Güdel, M.; Helling, Ch.; Isaak, K. G.; Kiss, L. L.; Korth, J.; Lam, K. W. F.; Laskar, J.; Lecavelier des Etangs, A.; Lendl, M.; Magrin, D.; Maxted, P. F. L.; McCormac, J. ; Merín, B.; Mordasini, C.; Nascimbeni, V.; O'Brien, S. M.; Olofsson, G.; Ottensamer, R.; Pagano, I.; Pallé, E.; Peter, G.; Piazza, D.; Piotto, G.; Pollacco, D.; Queloz, D.; Ragazzoni, R.; Rando, N.; Rauer, H.; Ribas, I.; Santos, N. C.; Scandariato, G.; Ségransan, D.; Simon, A. E.; Smith, A. M. S.; Sousa, S. G.; Southworth, R.; Stalport, M.; Steinberger, M.; Sulis, S.; Udry, S.; Ulmer, B.; Ulmer-Moll, S.; Van Grootel, V.; Venturini, J.; Villaver, E.; Walton, N. A.; Wheatley, P. J.
- 2025 MNRAS 536 2046
- Chemical evolution of an evaporating lava pool
- Curry, A.; Mohanty, S.; Owen, J. E.
- 2025 MNRAS 536 913
- BOWIE-ALIGN: How formation and migration histories of giant planets impact atmospheric compositions
- Penzlin, A. B. T.; Booth, R. A.; Kirk, J.; Owen, J. E.; Ahrer, E; Christie, D. A.; Claringbold, A. B.; Esparza-Borges, E.; López-Morales, M.; Mayne, N. J.; McCormack, M.; Meech, A.; Panwar, V.; Powell, D.; Taylor, J.; Sergeev, D. E.; Valentine, D.; Wheatley, P. J.; Zamyatina, M.
- 2024 MNRAS 535 171
- BOWIE-ALIGN: A JWST comparative survey of aligned vs misaligned hot Jupiters to test the dependence of atmospheric composition on migration history
- Kirk, J; Ahrer, E; Penzlin, A. B. T.; Owen, J. E.; Booth, R. A.; Alderson, L.; Christie, D. A.; Claringbold, A. B.; Esparza-Borges, E.; Fisher, C. E.; López-Morales, M.; Mayne, N. J.; McCormack, M.; Meech, A.; Panwar, V.; Powell, D.; Taylor, J.; Sergeev, D. E.; Valentine, D.; Wakeford, H. R.; Wheatley, P. J.; Zamyatina, M.
- 2024 RASTI 3 691
- Using Lyman-alpha transits to constrain models of atmospheric escape
- Schreyer, E.; Owen, J. E.; Loyd, R. O. P.; Murray-Clay, R.A.
- 2024 MNRAS 533 3296
- The effect of dynamical interactions in stellar birth environments on the orbits of young close-in planetary systems
- Schoettler, C.; Owen, J. E.
- 2024 MNRAS 533 3484
- The Metallicity and Carbon-to-oxygen Ratio of the Ultrahot Jupiter WASP-76b from Gemini-S/IGRINS
- Weiner Mansfield, M.; Line, M. R.; Wardenier, J. P.; Brogi, M.; Bean, J. L.; Beltz, H.; Smith, P.; Zalesky, J.; Batalha, N.; Kempton, E. M. R.; Montet, B. T.; Owen, J. E.; Plavchan, P.; Rauscher, E.
- 2024 AJ 168 14
- Shallower radius valley around low-mass hosts: Evidence for icy planets, collisions or high-energy radiation scatter
- Ho, C. S. K.; Rogers, J. G.; Van Eylen, V.; Owen, J. E.; Schlichting, H. E.
- 2024 531 3698
- Non-Detections of Helium in the Young Sub-Jovian Planets K2-100b, HD 63433b, & V1298 Tau c
- Alam, M. K.; Kirk, J.; Dos Santos, L. A.; McCreery, P.; Allan, A. P.; Owen, J. E.; Vidotto, A. A.; Allart, R.; Bourrier, V.; Espinoza, N.; King, G. W.; López-Morales, M.; Seidel, J. V.
- 2024 AJ
- Introducing cuDisc: a 2D code for protoplanetary disc structure and evolution calculations
- Robinson, A.; Booth, R. A.; Owen, J. E.
- 2024 MNRAS 529 1524
- Under the light of a new star: evolution of planetary atmospheres through protoplanetary disc dispersal and boil-off
- Rogers, J. G.; Owen, J. E.; Schlichting, H. E.
- 2024 MNRAS 529 2716
- HD152843 b & c: the masses and orbital periods of a sub-Neptune and a super-puff Neptune
- Nicholson, B. A.; Aigrain, S.; Eisner, N. L.; Cretignier, M.; Barragán, O.; Kaye, L.; Taylor, J.; Owen, J. E.; Mortier, A.; Affer, L.; Boschin, W.; Collier Cameron, A.; Damasso, M.; Di Fabrizio, L.; DiTomasso, V.; Dumusque, X.; Gehdina, A.; Harutyunyan, A.; Latham, D. W.; Lopez-Morales, M.; Lorenzi, V.; Martínez Fiorenzano, A. F.; Molinari, E.; Pedani, M.; Pinamonti, M.; Sozzetti, A.; Rice, K.
- 2024 MNRAS 532 4632
- A roadmap to the efficient and robust characterization of temperate terrestrial planet atmospheres with JWST
- TRAPPIST-1 JWST Community Initiative ; de Wit, J.; Doyon, R.; Rackham, B. V.; Lim, O.; Ducrot, E.; Kreidberg, L.; Benneke, B.; Ribas, I.; Berardo, D.; Niraula, P.; Iyer, A.; Shapiro, A.; Kostogryz, N.; Witzke, V.; Gillon, M.; Agol, E.; Meadows, V.; Burgasser, A. J.; Owen, J. E.; Fortney, J. J.; Selsis, F.; Bello-Arufe, A.; Bolmont, E.; Cowan, N.; Dong, C.; Drake, J. J.; Garcia, L.; Greene, T.; Haworth, T.; Hu, R.; Kane, S. R.; Kervella, P.; Koll, D.; Krissansen-Totton, J.; Lagage, P.-O.; Lichtenberg, T.; Lustig-Yaeger, J.; Lingam, M.; Turbet, M.; Seager, S.; Barkaoui, K.; Bell, T. J.; Burdanov, A.; Cadieux, C.; Charnay, B.; C., R.; Cook, N. J.; Correia, A. C. M.; Dang, L.; Daylan, T.; Delrez, L.; Edwards, B.; Fauchez, T. J.; Flagg, L.; Fraschetti, F.; Haqq-Misra, J.; Huang, Z.; Iro, N.; Jayawardhana, R.; Jehin, E.; Jin, M.; Kite, E.; Kitzmann, D.; Kral, Q.; Lafrenière, D.; Libert, A.-S.; Liu, B.; Mohanty, S.; Morris, B. M.; Murray, C. A.; Piaulet, C.; Pozuelos, F. J.; Radica, M.; Ranjan, S.; Rathcke, A.; Roy, P.-A.; Schwieterman, E. W.; Turner, J. D.; Triaud, A.; Way, M. J.
- 2024 Nature Astr. 8 810
- On the likely magnesium-iron silicate dusty tails of catastrophically evaporating rocky planets
- Campos Estrada, B.; Owen, J. E.; Jankovic, M; Wilson, A; Helling, C.
- 2024 MNRAS 528 1249
- Investigating the Atmospheric Mass Loss of the Kepler-105 Planets Straddling the Radius Gap
- Householder, A.; Weiss, L. M.; Owen, J. E.; Isaacson, H.; Howard, A. W.; Fabrycky, D.; Rogers, L. A.; Schlichting, H. E.; Fulton, B. J.; Petigura, E. A.; Giacalone, S.; Akana Murphy, J. M.; Beard, C.; Chontos, A.; Dai, F.; Van Zandt, J.; Lubin, J.; Rice, M.; Polanski, A. S.; Dalba, P.; Blunt, S.; Turtelboom, E. V.; Rubenzahl, R.; Brinkman, C.
- 2024 AJ 167 84
- The evolution of catastrophically evaporating rocky planets
- Curry, A.; Booth, R. A.; Owen, J. E.; Mohanty, S.
- 2024 MNRAS 528 4314
- Mapping out the parameter space for photoevaporation and core-powered mass-loss
- Owen, J. E.; Schlichting, H. E.
- 2024 MNRAS 528 1615
- Using helium 10830 Ang. transits to constrain planetary magnetic fields
- Schreyer, E.; Owen, J. E.; Spake, J. J.; Bahroloom, Z.; Di Giampasquale, S.
- 2024 MNRAS 527 5117
- High-resolution [OI] line spectral mapping of TW Hya consistent with X-ray driven photoevaporation
- Rab, Ch.; Weber, M.; Picogna, G.; Ercolano, B.; Owen, J. E.
- 2023 ApJ 955 L11
- A compact multi-planet system transiting HIP 29442 (TOI-469) discovered by TESS and ESPRESSO. Radial velocities lead to the detection of transits with low signal-to-noise ratio
- Damasso, M.; Rodrigues, J.; Castro-González, A.; Lavie, B.; Davoult, J.; Zapatero Osorio, M. R.; Dou, J.; Sousa, S. G.; Owen, J. E.; Sossi, P.; Adibekyan, V.; Osborn, H.; Leinhardt, Z.; Alibert, Y.; Lovis, C.; Delgado Mena, E.; Sozzetti, A.; Barros, S. C. C.; Bossini, D.; Ziegler, C.; Ciardi, D. R.; Matthews, E. C.; Carter, P. J.; Lillo-Box, J.; Suárez Mascareño, A.; Cristiani, S.; Pepe, F.; Rebolo, R.; Santos, N. C.; Allende Prieto, C.; Benatti, S.; Bouchy, F.; Briceño, C.; Di Marcantonio, P.; D'Odorico, V.; Dumusque, X.; Egger, J. A.; Ehrenreich, D.; Faria, J.; Figueira, P.; Génova Santos, R.; Gonzales, E. J.; González Hernández, J. I.; Law, N.; Lo Curto, G.; Mann, A. W.; Martins, C. J. A. P.; Mehner, A.; Micela, G.; Molaro, P.; Nunes, N. J.; Palle, E.; Poretti, E.; Schlieder, J. E.; Udry, S.
- 2023 A & A 679 A33
- Extreme evaporation of planets in hot thermally unstable protoplanetary discs: the case of FU Ori
- Nayakshin, S.; Owen, J. E.; Elbakyan V.
- 2023 MNRAS 523 385
- Why the observed spin evolution of older-than-solar like stars might not require a dynamo mode change
- Kotorashvili, K.; Blackman, E. G.; Owen, J. E.
- 2023 MNRAS 522 1583
- Conclusive evidence for a population of water-worlds around M-dwarfs remains elusive
- Rogers, J. G.; Schlichting, H. E.; Owen, J. E.
- 2023 ApJ 947 L19
- Exoplanet atmosphere evolution: emulation with neural networks
- Rogers, J. G.; Janó Muñoz, C.; Owen, J. E.; Makinen, L. T.
- 2023 MNRAS 519 6028
- The evolution of circumstellar discs in the Galactic Centre: an application to the G-clouds
- Owen, J. E.; Lin, D. N. C.
- 2023 MNRAS 519 3970
- The fundamentals of Lyman-alpha exoplanet transits
- Owen, J. E.; Murray-Clay, R. A.; Schreyer, E.; Schlichting, H. E.; Ardila, D.; Gupta, A.; Loyd, R. O. P.; Shkolnik, E. L.; Sing, D. K.; Swain, M. R.
- 2023 MNRAS 518 4357
- Dust formation in the outflows of catastrophically evaporating planets
- Booth, R. A.; Owen, J. E.; Schulik, M.
- 2023 MNRAS 518 1761
- The UV-SCOPE Mission: Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Characterization Of Planets and their Environments
- Ardila, D. R. ; Shkolnik, E.; Ziemer, J.; Swain, M.; Owen, J. E.; Line, M.; Loyd, R. O. P.; Sellar, R. G.; Barman, T.; Dressing, C.; Frazier, W.; Jewell, A. D.; Kinsey, R. J.; Liebe, C. C.; Lothringer, J. D.; Martinez-Sierra, L. M.; McGuire, J.; Meadows, V.; Murray-Clay, R.; Nikzad, S.; Peacock, S.; Schlichting, H.; Sing, D.; Stevenson, K.; Wu, Y.-H.
- 2022 SPIE Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation 12181 1218104
- Extreme Pebble Accretion in Ringed Protoplanetary Discs
- Cummins, D. P.; Owen, J. E.; Booth, R. A.
- 2022 MNRAS 515 1276
- An APEX search for carbon emission from NGC 1977 proplyds
- Haworth, T. J.; Kim, J. S.; Qiao, L.; Winter, A. J.; Williams, J. P.; Clarke, C. J.; Owen, J. E.; Facchini, S.; Ansdell, M.; Kama, M.; Ballabio, G.
- 2022 MNRAS 512 2594
- One year of AU Mic with HARPS: I - measuring the masses of the two transiting planets
- Zicher, N.; Barragán, O.; Klein, B.; Aigrain, S.; Owen, J. E.; Gandolfi, D.; Lagrange, A.; Serrano, L. M.; Kaye, L.; Dyregaard Nielsen, L.; Maguire Rajpaul, V.; Grandjean, A.; Goffo, E.; Nicholson, B.
- 2022 MNRAS 512 3060
- The California-Kepler Survey. X. The Radius Gap as a Function of Stellar Mass, Metallicity, and Age
- Petigura, E. A. ; Rogers, J. G.; Isaacson, H.; Owen, J. E.; Kraus, A. L.; Winn, J. N.; MacDougall, M. G.; Howard, A. W.; Fulton, B.; Kosiarek, M. R.; Weiss, L. M.; Behmard, A.; Blunt, S.
- 2022 AJ 163 179
- MRI-active inner regions of protoplanetary discs. II. Dependence on dust, disc and stellar parameters
- Jankovic, M. R.; Mohanty, S.; Owen, J. E.; Tan, J. C.
- 2022 MNRAS 509 5974
- TESS Hunt for Young and Maturing Exoplanets (THYME) VI: an 11 Myr giant planet transiting a very low-mass star in Lower Centaurus Crux
Mann, A. W.; Wood, M. L.; Schmidt, S. P.; Barber, M. G.; Owen, J. E.; Tofflemire, B. M.; Newton, E. R.; Mamajek, E. E.; Bush, J. L.; Mace, G. N.; Kraus, A. L.; Thao, P. C.; Vanderburg, A.; Llama, J.; Johns-Krull, C. M.; Prato, L.; Stahl, A. G.; Tang, S.; Fields, M. J.; Collins, K. A.; Collins, K. I.; Gan, T.; Jensen, E. L. N.; Kamler, J.; Schwarz, R. P.; Furlan, E.; Gnilka, C. L.; Howell, S. B.; Lester, K. V.; Owens, D. A.; Suarez, O.; Mekarnia, D.; Guillot, T.; Abe, L.; Triaud, A. H. M. J.; Johnson, M. C.; Milburn, R. P.; Rizzuto, A. C.; Quinn, S. N.; Kerr, R.; Ricker, G. R.; Vanderspek, R.; Latham, D. W.; Seager, S.; Winn, J. N.; Jenkins, J.; Guerrero, N. M.; Shporer, A.; Schlieder, J. E.; McLean, B.; Wohler, B.- 2022 AJ 163 156
- Photoevaporation vs. core-powered mass-loss: model comparison with the 3D radius gap
- Rogers, J. G.; Gupta, A.; Owen, J. E.; Schlichting, H. E.
- 2021 MNRAS 508 5886
- A slim disc approach to external photoevaporation of discs
- Owen, J. E.; Altaf, N.
- 2021 MNRAS 508 2493
- MRI-active inner regions of protoplanetary discs. I. A detailed model of disc structure
- Jankovic, M. R.; Owen, J. E.; Mohanty, S.; Tan, J. C.
- 2021 MNRAS 504 280
- Synthetic Light Curves of Accretion Variability in T Tauri Stars
- Robinson, C. E.; Espaillat, C. C. Owen, J. E.
- 2021 ApJ 908 16
- Masses and compositions of three small planets orbiting the nearby M dwarf L231-32 (TOI-270) and the M dwarf radius valley
- Van Eylen, V.; Astudillo-Defru, M.; Bonfils, X.; Livingston, J.; Hirano, T.; Luque, R.; Lam, K. W. F.; Justesen, A. B.; Winn, J. N.; Gandolfi, D.; Nowak, G.; Palle, E.; Albrecht, S.; Dai, F.; Campos Estrada B.; Owen, J. E.; Foreman-Mackey, D.; Fridlund, M.; Korth, J.; Mathur, S. Forveille, T.; Mikal-Evans, T.; Osborne, H. L. M.; Ho, C. S. K.; Almenara, J. M.; Artigau, E.; Barragán, O.; Bouchy, F.; Cabrera, J.; Caldwell, D. A.; Charbonneau, D.; Chaturvedi, P.; Cochran, W. D.; Csizmadia, S.; Damasso, M.; Delfosse, X.; De Medeiros, J. R.; Díaz, R. F.; Doyon, R.; Esposito, M.; Fűrész, G.; Figueira, P.; Georgieva, I.; Goffo, E.; Grziwa, S.; Guenther, E.; Hatzes, A. P.; Jenkins, J. M.; Kabath, P.; Knudstrup, E.; Latham, D. W.; Lavie, B.; Lovis, C.; Mennickent, R. E.; Mullally, S. E.; Murgas, F.; Narita, N.; Pepe, F. A.; Persson, C. M.; Redfield, S.; Ricker, G. R.; Santos, N. C.; Seager, S.; Serrano, L. M.; Smith, A. M. S.; Suárez Mascareño, A.; Subjak, J.; Twicken, J. D.; Udry, S.; Vanderspek, R.; Zapatero Osorio, M. R.
- 2021 MNRAS 507 2154
- Unveiling the Planet Population at Birth
- Rogers, J. G; Owen, J. E.
- 2021 MNRAS 503 1526
- The nature and origins of sub-Neptune size planets
- Bean, J. L.; Raymond, S. N. Owen, J. E.
- 2021 JGR: Planets, 126, id:e06639
- Hydrogen dominated atmospheres on terrestrial mass planets: evidence, origin and evolution
- Owen, J. E.; Shaikhislamov, I. F.; Lammer, H.; Fossati, L.; Khodachenko, M. L.
- 2020 Space Science Reviews, 216, 129
- Constraining the entropy of formation from young transiting planets
- Owen, J. E.
- 2020 MNRAS 498 5030
- A Review of Possible Planetary Atmospheres in the TRAPPIST-1 System
- Turbet, M.; Bolmont, E.; Bourrier, V.; Demory, B.-O.; Leconte, J.; Owen, J. E.; Wolf, E.
- 2020 Space Science Reviews, 216, 100
- Snow-lines can be thermally unstable
- Owen, J. E.
- 2020 MNRAS 495 3160
- Formation of Orion Fingers
- Dempsey, R; Zakamska, N. L.; Owen, J. E.
- 2020 MNRAS 495 1172
- Massive discs around low-mass stars
- Haworth, T. J.; Cadman, J.; Meru, F.; Hall, C.; Albertini, E.; Forgan, D.; Rice, K.; Owen, J. E.
- 2020 MNRAS 494 4130
- Fingerprints of giant planets in the composition of solar twins
- Booth, R. A.; Owen, J. E.
- 2020 MNRAS 493 5079
- The Observational Anatomy of Externally Photoevaporating Planet-Forming Discs I: Atomic Carbon
- Haworth, T. J.; Owen, J. E.
- 2020 MNRAS 492 5030
- Testing exoplanet evaporation with multi-transiting systems
- Owen, J. E.; Campos Estrada, B.
- 2020 MNRAS 491 5287
- Effects of Magnetic Fields on the Location of the Evaporation Valley for Low-Mass Exoplanets
- Owen, J. E.; Adams, F. C.
- 2019 MNRAS 490 15
- Radiation pressure clear-out of dusty photoevaporating discs
- Owen, J. E.; Kollmeier, J. A.
- 2019 MNRAS 487 3702
- The dispersal of protoplanetary discs - I. A new generation of X-ray photoevaporation models
- Picogna G.; Ercolano, B.; Owen, J. E.; Weber, M. L.
- 2019 MNRAS 487 691
- Close-in Super-Earths: The first and the last stages of planet formation in an MRI-accreting disc
- Jankovic, M. R.; Owen, J. E.; Mohanty, S.
- 2019 MNRAS 484 2296
- Atmospheric Escape and the Evolution of Close-In Exoplanets
- Owen, J. E.
- 2019 Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences 47 67
- Metallicity-dependent signatures in the Kepler planets
- Owen, J. E.; Murray-Clay, R.
- 2018 MNRAS 480 2206
- Photoevaporation and high-eccentricity migration created the sub-Jovian desert
- Owen, J. E.; Lai, D.
- 2018 MNRAS 479 5012
- Atmospheric reconnaissance of the habitable-zone Earth-sized planets orbiting TRAPPIST-1
- de Wit, J.; Wakeford, H. R.; Lewis, N.; Delrez, L.; Gillon, M.; Selsis, F.; Leconte, J.; Demory, B.-O.; Belmont, E.; Bourrier, V.; Burgasser, A. J.; Grimm, S.; Jehin, E.; Lederer, S. M.; Owen, J. E.; Stamenkovic, V.; Triaud, A. H. M. J.
- 2018 Nature Astronomy, doi:10.1038/s41550-017-0374-z
- Inside-Out Planet Formation. V. Structure of the Inner Disk as Implied by the MRI
- Mohanty, S.; Jankovic, M. R.; Tan, J. C.; Owen, J. E.
- 2018 ApJ 861 144
- An asteroseismic view of the radius valley: stripped cores, not born rocky
- Van Eylen, V.; Agentoft, C.; Lundkvist, M. S.; Kjeldsen, H.; Owen, J. E.; Fulton, B. J.; Petigura, E.; Snellen, I.
- 2018 MNRAS 479 4786
- A likely planet-induced gap in the disk around T Cha
- Hendler, N. P.; Pinilla, P.; Pascucci, I.; Pohl, A.; Mulders, G.; Henning, T.; Dong, R.; Clarke, C. J.; Owen, J. E.; Hollenbach D.
- 2018 MNRAS 475 L62
- Accreting Transition Discs with large cavities created by X-ray photoevaporation in C and O depleted discs
- Ercolano, B.; Weber, M. L.; Owen, J. E.
- 2018 MNRAS 473 L64
- The evaporation valley in the Kepler planets
- Owen, J. E. & Wu, Y.
- 2017 ApJ 847 29
- An Incipient Debris Disk in the Chamaeleon I Cloud
- Espaillat, C. C.; Ribas, A.; McClure, M. K.; Hernandez, J.; Owen, J. E.; Avish, N.; Calvet, N.; Franco-Hernandez, R.
- 2017 ApJ 844 60
- Generating large misalignments in gapped and binary discs
- Owen, J. E. & Lai, D.
- 2017 MNRAS 469 2834
- Time Dependent Models of Magnetospheric Accretion onto Young Stars
- Robinson, C. E.;
Owen, J. E.; Espaillat, C. C.; Adams, F. C.
- 2017 ApJ 838 100
- Dust traps as planetary birthsites: basics and vortex
- Owen, J. E.; Kollmeier, J. A.
- 2017 MNRAS 467 3379
- Water loss from Earth-sized planets in the habitable zones of
ultracool dwarfs: Implications for the planets of TRAPPIST-1
- Bolmont, E.; Selsis, F.; Owen, J. E.; Ribas, I.; Raymond, S. N.; Leconte, J. & Gillon, M.
- 2017 MNRAS 464 3728
- Blueshifted [OI] lines from protoplanetary discs: the smoking gun of X-ray photoevaporation
- Ercolano, B.; Owen, J. E.
- 2016 MNRAS 460 3472
- Disk-fed giant planet formation
- Owen, J. E. & Menou, K.
- 2016 ApJ 819 L14
- Habitability of Terrestrial-Mass Planets in the HZ of M Dwarfs. I. H/He-Dominated Atmospheres
- Owen, J. E. & Mohanty, S.
- 2016 MNRAS 459 4088
- The initial physical conditions of Kepler-36 b & c
- Owen, J. E. & Morton, T. D.
- 2016 ApJ 819 L10
- Minimalist coupled evolution model for stellar x-ray activity, rotation, mass loss, and magnetic field
- Blackman, E. G & Owen, J. E.
- 2016 MNRAS 458 1548
- Rapid radiative clearing of protoplanetary discs
- Haworth, T. J.; Clarke, C. J.; Owen, J. E.
- 2016 MNRAS 457 1905
- The origin and evolution of transition discs: successes, problems and open questions
- Owen, J. E.
- 2016 PASA 33 e005, Invited Review
- Hot Jupiter Breezes: Time-dependent Outflows from Extrasolar Planets
- Owen, J. E. & Adams, F. C.
- 2016 MNRAS 456 3053
- Atmospheres of low-mass planets: the 'boil-off'
- Owen, J. E.; Wu, Y.
- 2016 ApJ 817 107
- UV driven evaporation of close-in planets: energy-limited; recombination-limited and photon-limited flows
- Owen, J. E.; Alvarez, M. A.
- 2016 ApJ 816 34
- The long-term evolution of photoevaporating transition discs with giant planets
- Rosotti, G. P.; Ercolano, B.; Owen, J. E.
- 2015 MNRAS 454 2173
- Chondrule transport in protoplanetary discs
- Goldberg, A. Z.; Owen, J. E.; Jacquet, E.
- 2015 MNRAS 452 4054
- Far-infrared signatures and inner hole sizes of protoplanetary discs undergoing inside-out dust dispersal
- Ercolano, B.; Koepferl, C.; Owen, J. E.; Robitaille, T.
- 2015 MNRAS 452 3689
- Torque on an exoplanet from an anisotropic evaporative wind
- Teyssandier, J.; Owen, J. E.; Adams, F. C.; Quillen, A. C.
- 2015 MNRAS 452 1743
- Probing X-ray photoevaporative winds through their interaction with ionising radiation in cluster environments: the case for X-ray proplyds
- Clarke, C. J. & Owen, J. E.
- 2015 MNRAS 446 2944
- Astro & cosmo-chemical consequences of accretion bursts I: the D/H ratio of water
- Owen, J. E. & Jacquet, E.
- 2015 MNRAS 446 3285
- Importance of thermal diffusion in the gravo-magnetic limit cycle
- Owen, J. E. & Armitage, P. J.
- 2014 MNRAS 445 2800
- Magnetically controlled mass-loss from extrasolar planets in close orbits
- Owen, J. E. & Adams, F. C.
- 2014 MNRAS 444 3761
- Snow-lines as probes of turbulent diffusion in protoplanetary discs
- Owen, J. E.
- 2014 ApJ 790 L7
- Accreting Planets as Dust Dams in 'Transition' Disks
- Owen, J. E.
- 2014 ApJ 789 59
- The Mdot-Mstar relation of pre-main-sequence stars: a
consequence of X-ray driven disc evolution
- Ercolano, B.; Mayr, D. Owen, J. E.; Rosotti,
G. & Manara, C. F.
- 2014 MNRAS 439 256
- Characterising thermal sweeping: a rapid disc dispersal mechanism
- Owen, J. E.; Hudoba de Badyn, M.; Clarke, C. J. & Robins, L
- 2013 MNRAS 436 1310
- Testing protoplanetary disc dispersal with radio emission
- Owen, J. E.; Scaife, A. M. M. & Ercolano B.
- 2013 MNRAS 434 3378
- Kepler planets: a tale of evaporation
- Owen, J. E. & Wu, Y.
- 2013 ApJ. 775 105
- Evolutionary constraints on the planetary origin for transition discs
- Clarke, C. J. & Owen, J. E.
- 2013 MNRAS Letters 433 L69
- The interplay between X-ray photoevaporation and planet formation
- Rosotti, G. P.; Ercolano, B.; Owen, J. E. & Armitage, P. J.
- 2013 MNRAS 430 1392
- Two populations of transition discs?
- Owen, J. E. & Clarke, C. J.
- 2012 MNRAS Letters 426 L91
- Planetary evaporation by UV & X-ray radiation: basic hydrodynamics
- Owen, J. E. & Jackson, A. P.
- 2012 MNRAS 425 2931
- On the theory of disc photoevaporation
- Owen, J. E.; Clarke, C. J. & Ercolano, B.
- 2012 MNRAS 422 1880
- On the lifetime of discs around late-type stars
- Ercolano, B.; Bastian, N.; Spezzi, L. & Owen,
J. E.
- 2011 MNRAS 416 439
- The Photoevaporative Wind from the Disk of TW Hya
- Pascucci, I.; Sterzik, M.; Alexander, R. D.; Alencar,
S. H. P.; Gorti, U.; Hollenbach, D.; Owen, J. E.; Ercolano,
B. & Edwards, S.
- 2011 ApJ 736 13
- Protoplanetary disc evolution and dispersal: the
implications of X-ray photoevaporation
- Owen, J. E.; Ercolano, B. & Clarke, C. J.
- 2011 MNRAS 412 13
- The imprint of photoevaporation on edge-on discs
- Owen, J. E.; Ercolano, B. & Clarke, C. J.
- 2011 MNRAS 411 1104
- The JCMT Legacy Survey of the Gould Belt: a first look
at Serpens with HARP
- Graves, S. F.; Richer, J. S.; Buckle, J. V.;
Duarte-Cabral, A.; Fuller, G. A.; Hogerheijde, M. R.; Owen,
J. E.; Brunt, C.; Butner, H. M.; Cavanagh, B.; Chrysostomou,
A.; Curtis, E. I.; Davis, C. J.; Etxaluze, M.; Francesco, J. Di;
Friberg, P.; Friesen, R. K.; Greaves, J. S.; Hatchell, J.;
Johnstone, D.; Matthews, B.; Matthews, H.; Matzner, C. D.; Nutter,
D.; Rawlings, J. M. C.; Roberts, J. F.; Sadavoy, S.; Simpson,
R. J.; Tothill, N. F. H.; Tsamis, Y. G.; Viti, S.; Ward-Thompson,
D.; White, G. J.; Wouterloot, J. G. A. & Yates, J.
- 2010 MNRAS 409 1412
- Theoretical spectra of photoevaporating protoplanetary
discs: an atlas of atomic and low-ionization emission lines
- Ercolano, B. & Owen, J. E.
- 2010 MNRAS 406 1553
- Radiation-hydrodynamic models of X-ray and EUV
photoevaporating protoplanetary discs
- Owen, J. E.; Ercolano, B.; Clarke, C. J. & Alexander, R. D.
- 2010 MNRAS 401 1415
- The TRAPPIST-1 JWST Community Initiative
- Gillon, Michaël; Meadows, Victoria; Agol, Eric; Burgasser, Adam J.; Deming, Drake; Doyon, René; Fortney, Jonathan; Kreidberg, Laura; Owen, J. E.; Selsis, Franck; de Wit, Julien; Lustig-Yaeger, Jacob; Rackham, Benjamin V.
- 2020 Community White Paper, arXiv:2002.04798
- High-Energy Photon and Particle Effects on Exoplanet Atmospheres and Habitability
- Drake, J.; Alvarado-Gómez, J. D.; Airapetian, V.; Argiroffi, C.; Browning, M. K.; Christian, D. J.; Cohen, O.; Corrales, L.; Danchi, W.; de Val-Borro, M.; D., C.; Forman, W.; France, K.; Gallo, E.; Garcia-Sage, K.; Garraffo, C.; Gelino, D. M.; Gronoff, G.; Günther, H. M.; Harper, G. M.; Haywood, R. D.; Karovska, M.; Kashyap, V.; Kastner, J.; Kim, J. S.; Leutenegger, M. A.; Linsky, J.; López-Morales, M.; Micela, G.; Moschou, S.; Oskinova, L.; Osten, R. A.; Owen, J. E.; Poppenhaeger, K.; Principe, D. A.; Pye, J. P.; Sciortino, S.; T., P.; Wargelin, B.; Wheatley, P. J.; Williams, P. K. G.; Winston, E.; Wolk, S. J.; Cauley, P. W.
- 2019 Astro2020: Decadal Survey on Astronomy and Astrophysics, science white papers, no. 113; BAAS, 51, 113
- Magnetically Controlled Outflows from Planets
- Adams, F. C. & Owen, J. E.
- 2014, proceedings of 'Cool Stars 18'
- Radiative Transfer in Star Formation: Testing FLD & Hybrid Methods
- Owen, J. E. ; Ercolano, B. & Clarke, C. J.
- 2012, proceedings of 'The Labyrinth of Star Formation'
- Radio flare from FF Tau
- Scaife, A. M. M.; Owen, J. E. ; Ercolano, B. & Rumsey, C.
- 2012, The Astronomer's Telegram, 4294
- Protoplanetary Disc Evolution and Dispersal
- Owen, J. E.
- 2011 PhD Thesis IoA, University of Cambridge